Wednesday, 25 March 2015
Sunday, 22 March 2015
Photos: People in Buhari's village wash their roads after GEJ pays a visit
Photos: Woman takes naked photos of herself all over New York
French-American photographer, Erica Simone has posed naked all over New York to create a book called Nue York: Self-Portraits of a Bare Urban Citizen. Simone is currently crowd-funding to raise $10,000 to publish the book. She explains why she's doing the shoot;
On her crowdfunding page she writes:
"The point is not to be nude for shock value. I am simply an artist looking to humorously poke at some interesting thoughts about society and question who we are and embody as human beings inhabiting this home we call Earth. It’s now up to you to answer or raise these questions, as you like."See some photos she released after the cut....
On her crowdfunding page she writes:
"Naked is who we are and who we come into the world as. 'Nothing Fits Like You' is a campaign about being comfortable with who you are as a person, with your body, your mind and your role in society. It's about being free from the confinements of societal expectations and the media's projections."
Photo: See what a woman allegedly did to her househelp
This photo is making the rounds on Twitter. The person who shared it claims a woman did that to her house help. The photo was taken at the hospital where the little girl went to get treatment. No further details was given...too sad!
Photos: Sexy singer Adokiye pictured in bed with two Oyibos...:-)
Saturday, 21 March 2015
Black man wrongfully jailed for 39 years to receive $1m after being cleared of murder
A black man who was freed last year after spending 39 years in prison for a murder he didn't commit but was falsely convicted for will receive around $1m as compensation from the state of Ohio. He was one of three men sent to death row in 1975 after being convicted of aggravated murder in the slaying of a businessman outside a corner store in Cleveland.
Prosecutors at the time of the case relied on the testimony of a 13 year-old boy to convict Mr Jackson, now 58, and two brothers, Wiley Bridgeman and Ronnie Bridgeman, who were his best friends.
According to Sky News, when told of his compensation fee Ricky Jackson said
Wiley Bridgeman and Ronnie Bridgeman have not received any compensation yet."Wow, wow, wow, that's fantastic, man. I don't even know what to say. This is going to mean so much."
Graphic photo: People gunned by suspected cultists in Port Harcourt
Photos from Brymo's shirtless performance on stage last night
My boyfriend killed himself because his family couldn't accept he was gay
Remember that doctor that jumped from the balcony of his home in London last year? That's him on the right, Nazeem Mahmood. He killed himself at age 34 because his family couldn't accept he was gay. Read his story after the cut...
In the spring of last year, Matthew Ogston and Nazim Mahmood moved into their dream home. The apartment, on the top floor of a mansion block in north-west London, offered stunning panoramic views of London. Nazim was a doctor who ran three London clinics, Matthew a web designer.
The life Nazim enjoyed seemed a world away from the working-class traditional Muslim community in which he had been raised. It was that world – conservative and closed – that he had left behind for a new life. In their first week in the flat, the two men stood on the balcony as London glittered in front of them. Matthew looked at Nazim and said, “Darling, I think we’ve finally made it.” They both smiled. Four months later, Nazim jumped off the edge of that same balcony to his death. He was 34.
Nazim was 21 when he met Matthew in November 2001. Matthew was at a gay nightclub in Birmingham, when Nazim approached with the words, “Excuse me, may I sit here?” Something about Nazim’s shy demeanour appealed to Matthew. They started talking. “There was an instant connection,” he recalls.
We are in the living room of the apartment. It is more than seven months since Nazim’s death but the condolence cards are still on display. This is the first time Matthew has agreed to talk openly, and during the hours we talk, words tumble and tears flow. It was only minutes after first meeting him that Nazim had said to Matthew: “I’m a Muslim, is that going to be a problem?”
The two were soon inseparable. Matthew was working as a web designer and Nazim was a medical student. Their families did not know they were gay. After a year they bought a house. It had two bedrooms so their families might assume they were just housemates. “We used to have to keep the window blinds in our front room closed so no one would see us,” says Matthew. “When we walked down the street we made sure there was some distance between us just in case a family member of his spotted us together.”
They grew tired of looking over their shoulders and wanted to stop hiding, so when Nazim was offered a job at a London hospital in 2004 they seized the opportunity to move to the capital. They would be far from their families, in a city where they knew no one and could fashion a new life together. “In London we felt free,” Matthew says. “We didn’t have to worry about bumping into our parents.”
They made friends and created a social world that reflected the people they were. Of necessity, this new life was founded on sadness and deceptions. Nazim was leading a double life: his family had barely met Matthew and thought he was merely an investor in their son’s flat. On the rare occasions they visited London, Matthew had to spend the night in a bed and breakfast. “We had to ‘de-gay’ the house,” says Matthew. “That meant putting pictures of Kylie into the cupboard, Cher too – and any photo or memento that suggested a relationship had to go.”
Nazim didn’t like to talk about his family. He had left Birmingham and felt that to talk about pain or sadness or guilt would have infected the new life they had created in London – he was resigned to playing the dutiful Muslim boy to his family in Birmingham when, in fact, he was a happily gay man in London.
To celebrate the 10th anniversary of their first meeting, Matthew and Nazim threw a party at a London club. Nazim was now a GP as well as running his own business – three London clinics that offered Botox treatments – and Matthew was doing well working for a software company. During the party, Matthew asked the DJ to lower the music. He led Nazim into the DJ booth, got down on one knee and proposed. “He looked at me and his face was just lit up,” says Matthew.
The following year, Matthew came out to his parents, who were loving and accepting of both of them, but for Nazim, whose family were culturally conservative Muslims, the only strategy was to keep the solid borderlines between the old life in Birmingham and the new life in London.
On the last Saturday of July 2014, Nazim and Matthew drove north to Birmingham. It was a strange time: a close friend had died and they had to be back in London on the Monday for his memorial service. It was also the weekend of Eid, the Muslim festival.
When he arrived, Nazim’s family were annoyed that he was late for the Eid celebrations and planned to leave early for the memorial. Things were said – Matthew does not know what, exactly – that left Nazim distraught. “I am a good person,” Nazim said, weeping. “Why can’t people accept me for who I am?” “Is it because you like men?” his mother had asked him, out of the blue. And Nazim, who had spent years hiding and pretending, to protect his relationship with Matthew, did something he had never expected to do: on the spur of the moment, he told them everything.
Nazim was in a state of shock as he drove back to London. It emerged at the inquest in December 2014 that he had told his mother he was gay and had been in a relationship with a man for 13 years, and planned to marry him. Her response was to tell Nazim to consult a psychiatrist with a view to being “cured”.
The coroner, Mary Hassell, ruled that Nazeem killed himself. She said: “It seems incredible that a young man with so much going for him could have taken his own life. But what I’ve heard is that he had one great sadness which was the difficulty his family had in accepting his sexuality.”
Nazim had never planned to reveal his sexuality and found it hard to process his mother’s extreme reaction.
The couple went to the service for their dead friend that evening and a second ceremony the following day, but Matthew recalls Nazim being distant, but trying to put on a brave face. On Tuesday evening, Nazim helped with paperwork for the new job Matthew would start the following morning and then they retired to bed.
In the office next day, Matthew got a text from his sister, saying simply “call me now”. It was early evening on Wednesday 30 July. He rang her and was told to go home immediately; she would not say why. It couldn’t be Nazim – they had talked at lunchtime and Nazim had called again at just after 3pm and then twice after 5pm, but it was Matthew’s first day in a new office and he had been too busy in meetings to take the calls, though he had tried to call Nazim back. Had there been a bomb scare at the flat?
As he left West Hampstead station Matthew began to run. “It was like I was running for my life,” he recalls.
As he speaks, he is clutching himself tightly, right hand gripping his biceps. “I was pushing people out of the way and as I came round the corner I saw flashing blue lights and police cordon tape, then I saw this red blanket on the floor covering something up.”
He began to scream. He was bundled into a police car as friends started to show up, faces grey with shock.
Matthew arrived at Handsworth cemetery early on the day of Nazim’s funeral. In the aftermath of the death, Matthew had met Nazim’s family but the encounters were tense and uncomfortable. It appears that they did not want to have to deal with what they considered the shame of having had a gay son, and a gay son with a non-Muslim lover. Out of respect for Nazim’s mother’s plea not to make a scene at Nazim’s burial, Matthew agreed not to ask for a major role at the funeral, which was due to take place at 3.30pm.
With less than half an hour to go, nobody else had arrived and Matthew began to worry. In the distance he could see a burial taking place. “I went over and asked one of the officials where Nazim was being buried,” he said. “She said, ‘I’m really sorry – they have already buried him.’”
He ran out and saw Nazim’s family pouring dirt on to the coffin. “I was so angry,” Matthew tells me, tears streaming down his face, “I could not move. My arms and legs were just clenched. I felt completely betrayed.”
Nazim’s family had apparently given him the wrong time for the funeral.
He returned to London feeling desperately low. “I wanted to end it all,” he says quietly. “Follow Naz and leap off the balcony.”
His friends ensured he always had at least three people with him round the clock. “Every time I tried to get to the edge of the balcony, my friends would stop me. I couldn’t find a reason to stay alive.”
Then, in his distress, Matthew recalls: “I heard Naz’s voice.”
He is convinced that Nazim spoke to him, telling him to set up a foundation to help other young gay men and women driven to depression because of religious homophobia. He had a reason to go on at last.
The Naz and Matt Foundation was announced at a special service held in London for Nazim, two weeks after his funeral. The service featured contributions from a gay Muslim, gay Hindu, a gay vicar, a trainee Rabbi and a lesbian interfaith minister. Matthew has been seeing a psychotherapist but he doubts any counsellor can help to liberate him from the questions that haunt him. “I don’t have answers to the questions I have and I can’t find peace of mind because there are no answers.”
Who does Matthew blame for Nazim’s death? “I blame a community that is so closed minded to allow these bigoted views that make families believe that their honour is more important than loving their children,” he says. “The respect and honour of the family is more important than the happiness of the children they gave birth to. How sick is that?”
Culled from The Guardian UK
Culled from
In the spring of last year, Matthew Ogston and Nazim Mahmood moved into their dream home. The apartment, on the top floor of a mansion block in north-west London, offered stunning panoramic views of London. Nazim was a doctor who ran three London clinics, Matthew a web designer.
The life Nazim enjoyed seemed a world away from the working-class traditional Muslim community in which he had been raised. It was that world – conservative and closed – that he had left behind for a new life. In their first week in the flat, the two men stood on the balcony as London glittered in front of them. Matthew looked at Nazim and said, “Darling, I think we’ve finally made it.” They both smiled. Four months later, Nazim jumped off the edge of that same balcony to his death. He was 34.
Nazim was 21 when he met Matthew in November 2001. Matthew was at a gay nightclub in Birmingham, when Nazim approached with the words, “Excuse me, may I sit here?” Something about Nazim’s shy demeanour appealed to Matthew. They started talking. “There was an instant connection,” he recalls.
We are in the living room of the apartment. It is more than seven months since Nazim’s death but the condolence cards are still on display. This is the first time Matthew has agreed to talk openly, and during the hours we talk, words tumble and tears flow. It was only minutes after first meeting him that Nazim had said to Matthew: “I’m a Muslim, is that going to be a problem?”
The two were soon inseparable. Matthew was working as a web designer and Nazim was a medical student. Their families did not know they were gay. After a year they bought a house. It had two bedrooms so their families might assume they were just housemates. “We used to have to keep the window blinds in our front room closed so no one would see us,” says Matthew. “When we walked down the street we made sure there was some distance between us just in case a family member of his spotted us together.”
They grew tired of looking over their shoulders and wanted to stop hiding, so when Nazim was offered a job at a London hospital in 2004 they seized the opportunity to move to the capital. They would be far from their families, in a city where they knew no one and could fashion a new life together. “In London we felt free,” Matthew says. “We didn’t have to worry about bumping into our parents.”
They made friends and created a social world that reflected the people they were. Of necessity, this new life was founded on sadness and deceptions. Nazim was leading a double life: his family had barely met Matthew and thought he was merely an investor in their son’s flat. On the rare occasions they visited London, Matthew had to spend the night in a bed and breakfast. “We had to ‘de-gay’ the house,” says Matthew. “That meant putting pictures of Kylie into the cupboard, Cher too – and any photo or memento that suggested a relationship had to go.”
Nazim didn’t like to talk about his family. He had left Birmingham and felt that to talk about pain or sadness or guilt would have infected the new life they had created in London – he was resigned to playing the dutiful Muslim boy to his family in Birmingham when, in fact, he was a happily gay man in London.
To celebrate the 10th anniversary of their first meeting, Matthew and Nazim threw a party at a London club. Nazim was now a GP as well as running his own business – three London clinics that offered Botox treatments – and Matthew was doing well working for a software company. During the party, Matthew asked the DJ to lower the music. He led Nazim into the DJ booth, got down on one knee and proposed. “He looked at me and his face was just lit up,” says Matthew.
The following year, Matthew came out to his parents, who were loving and accepting of both of them, but for Nazim, whose family were culturally conservative Muslims, the only strategy was to keep the solid borderlines between the old life in Birmingham and the new life in London.
On the last Saturday of July 2014, Nazim and Matthew drove north to Birmingham. It was a strange time: a close friend had died and they had to be back in London on the Monday for his memorial service. It was also the weekend of Eid, the Muslim festival.
When he arrived, Nazim’s family were annoyed that he was late for the Eid celebrations and planned to leave early for the memorial. Things were said – Matthew does not know what, exactly – that left Nazim distraught. “I am a good person,” Nazim said, weeping. “Why can’t people accept me for who I am?” “Is it because you like men?” his mother had asked him, out of the blue. And Nazim, who had spent years hiding and pretending, to protect his relationship with Matthew, did something he had never expected to do: on the spur of the moment, he told them everything.
Nazim was in a state of shock as he drove back to London. It emerged at the inquest in December 2014 that he had told his mother he was gay and had been in a relationship with a man for 13 years, and planned to marry him. Her response was to tell Nazim to consult a psychiatrist with a view to being “cured”.
The coroner, Mary Hassell, ruled that Nazeem killed himself. She said: “It seems incredible that a young man with so much going for him could have taken his own life. But what I’ve heard is that he had one great sadness which was the difficulty his family had in accepting his sexuality.”
Nazim had never planned to reveal his sexuality and found it hard to process his mother’s extreme reaction.
The couple went to the service for their dead friend that evening and a second ceremony the following day, but Matthew recalls Nazim being distant, but trying to put on a brave face. On Tuesday evening, Nazim helped with paperwork for the new job Matthew would start the following morning and then they retired to bed.
In the office next day, Matthew got a text from his sister, saying simply “call me now”. It was early evening on Wednesday 30 July. He rang her and was told to go home immediately; she would not say why. It couldn’t be Nazim – they had talked at lunchtime and Nazim had called again at just after 3pm and then twice after 5pm, but it was Matthew’s first day in a new office and he had been too busy in meetings to take the calls, though he had tried to call Nazim back. Had there been a bomb scare at the flat?
As he left West Hampstead station Matthew began to run. “It was like I was running for my life,” he recalls.
As he speaks, he is clutching himself tightly, right hand gripping his biceps. “I was pushing people out of the way and as I came round the corner I saw flashing blue lights and police cordon tape, then I saw this red blanket on the floor covering something up.”
He began to scream. He was bundled into a police car as friends started to show up, faces grey with shock.
Matthew arrived at Handsworth cemetery early on the day of Nazim’s funeral. In the aftermath of the death, Matthew had met Nazim’s family but the encounters were tense and uncomfortable. It appears that they did not want to have to deal with what they considered the shame of having had a gay son, and a gay son with a non-Muslim lover. Out of respect for Nazim’s mother’s plea not to make a scene at Nazim’s burial, Matthew agreed not to ask for a major role at the funeral, which was due to take place at 3.30pm.
With less than half an hour to go, nobody else had arrived and Matthew began to worry. In the distance he could see a burial taking place. “I went over and asked one of the officials where Nazim was being buried,” he said. “She said, ‘I’m really sorry – they have already buried him.’”
He ran out and saw Nazim’s family pouring dirt on to the coffin. “I was so angry,” Matthew tells me, tears streaming down his face, “I could not move. My arms and legs were just clenched. I felt completely betrayed.”
Nazim’s family had apparently given him the wrong time for the funeral.
He returned to London feeling desperately low. “I wanted to end it all,” he says quietly. “Follow Naz and leap off the balcony.”
His friends ensured he always had at least three people with him round the clock. “Every time I tried to get to the edge of the balcony, my friends would stop me. I couldn’t find a reason to stay alive.”
Then, in his distress, Matthew recalls: “I heard Naz’s voice.”
He is convinced that Nazim spoke to him, telling him to set up a foundation to help other young gay men and women driven to depression because of religious homophobia. He had a reason to go on at last.
The Naz and Matt Foundation was announced at a special service held in London for Nazim, two weeks after his funeral. The service featured contributions from a gay Muslim, gay Hindu, a gay vicar, a trainee Rabbi and a lesbian interfaith minister. Matthew has been seeing a psychotherapist but he doubts any counsellor can help to liberate him from the questions that haunt him. “I don’t have answers to the questions I have and I can’t find peace of mind because there are no answers.”
Who does Matthew blame for Nazim’s death? “I blame a community that is so closed minded to allow these bigoted views that make families believe that their honour is more important than loving their children,” he says. “The respect and honour of the family is more important than the happiness of the children they gave birth to. How sick is that?”
Culled from The Guardian UK
Culled from
Retreating Boko Haram leaves mass of throat-slit corpses in Borno town
According to a report by Reuters, soldiers from Niger and Chad who liberated the town of Damasak in Borno from Boko Haram militants discovered the bodies of at least 70 people, many with their throats slit, scattered under a bridge.
Damasak was seized by the Islamist group in November but recaptured by troops from Niger and Chad on Saturday as part of a multinational effort to wipe out the militants.
Chadian soldiers, who said the bodies were discovered on Thursday, spoke of at least 100 corpses in the area around the dry river bed. A Reuters witness was able to count at least 70.
A strong smell of decomposition in many parts of town suggested there could be more bodies concealed there, the Reuters witness said.
A trail of blackened blood was visible along the side of the bridge facing the bodies, suggesting they had been thrown off the side after being killed. Among the dead was the imam of the town.
All but around 50 of the town's residents had fled by the time Damasak was recaptured. Those who remained were mostly too old or too sick to leave.
In what appeared to be an execution site for the Islamist group, the bodies were strewn beneath the concrete bridge on one of the main roads leading out of the town. At least one was decapitated. The bodies were partially mummified by the dry desert air, while grass has began to grow around the corpses, suggesting that the killings had taken place some time ago.
Damasak was seized by the Islamist group in November but recaptured by troops from Niger and Chad on Saturday as part of a multinational effort to wipe out the militants.
Chadian soldiers, who said the bodies were discovered on Thursday, spoke of at least 100 corpses in the area around the dry river bed. A Reuters witness was able to count at least 70.
A strong smell of decomposition in many parts of town suggested there could be more bodies concealed there, the Reuters witness said.
A trail of blackened blood was visible along the side of the bridge facing the bodies, suggesting they had been thrown off the side after being killed. Among the dead was the imam of the town.
All but around 50 of the town's residents had fled by the time Damasak was recaptured. Those who remained were mostly too old or too sick to leave.
Friday, 20 March 2015
Cossy Orjiakor and Anita Joseph take sexy pics on movie set

Lil Wayne accuses Drake of sleeping with one of his girlfriends
"Lil Wayne was ready to physically attack Drake for screwing his girlfriend ... and Wayne says this himself in a book proposal he's shopping. TMZ has obtained a portion of the proposal Wayne has sent to various publishing houses, and his story is crazy. Wayne claims while he was serving time at Rikers Island for gun possession, Drake visited him and glibly confessed, saying, "Yeah, it's true. Don't f*** with her like that cause I did f*** her." Wayne writes, "This is the type of s*** that a man never wants to find out when he's locked up.
Or, maybe so, cause only God knows what I would have done if I wasn't locked up right now." Wayne admits in the proposal he and his GF argued a lot, and that may be why Drake said, "Don't f*** with her like that." As for the timeline, Wayne says the woman told him she had sex with Drake the day before they met.
Wayne goes on, "I woke up feeling f***** up about the f***** up day that I had ... finding out that she f***** Drake was the absolute worst thing I could've ever found out." And he says, "As a man, honestly, that s*** hurt ... and not because it was Drake, it could have been any man. It would've hurt the same." Wayne then goes on and says he was so depressed he didn't come out of his cell for days.
We're told there's intense interest among publishers. We'll definitely read it
Photos: Car jacker caught in Abuja

Corps members in Kebbi state being taught to use guns? (photos)

"The corp members were given security tips on how to prevent and handle mishaps in the course of the elections. They will not be given guns and ammunitions but in case the Boko boys decide to show their faces, Corpers will be able to help the security agents. After all, we are all serving our father's land." He said

Thursday, 19 March 2015
Woman cuts fetus out of pregnant mother's womb during brutal home attack, then returns it
Police were called to a apartment in Longmont Colorado yesterday March 18th and on their arrival, they heard a woman inside screaming for help. An entry into the home revealed a 26-year-old woman with stab wounds in the stomach. She told them she had been 7 months pregnant, and was assaulted, stabbed and the fetus had been forcefully cut out of her womb.
Update: The woman has now been identified as Dynel Catrece Lane (pictured bove)
It gets interesting. The victim was then transported to Longmont United Hospital, where she had surgery and is expected to survive but the suspect implicated for the stabbing, a 34 year old woman, then arrived at the same hospital with the baby at the same time, and claimed she had miscarried. Sadly, the premature baby did not make it. Officers added one and two together and arrested the woman who is now facing charges of attempted murder and child abuse.
The names of the two women have not been released, but police said they did not know each other.
Nigerian arrested at Lagos airport with Indian hemp stuffed in packs of gala
Nigerians haven't learnt their lessons in properly checking a package given to you by a so called friends to deliver abroad. At least that's what this man is claiming...that a friend gave it to me. Me, I never collect. If you insist, I'll offer to pay for it to be sent via
Anyway, according to a report by Premium Time, the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency, NDLEA, have arrested a man who was attempting to smuggle 35.115 kg of Cannabis sativa hidden inside Nigerian made sausage rolls to China.
The 33 year old man was arrested at Murtala Mohammed International Airport, during a screening of passengers. According to the agency, Mr. Ogbonna (the smuggler) confessed saying,
"My friend in China gave me N100k to take a bag to China. The last time I travelled to China, he assisted me,” said Mr. Ogbonna, a trader at the Onitsha main market. “When he gave me the money to take the bag containing gala to China, I thought he was doing me a favour I never knew he was digging my grave. After my arrest, I feel bad and regret my action. I am married with a child.”
Chris Brown reportedly threatens to sue Oprah if Karrueche slanders him on TV
MediaTakeOut is claiming that Chris Brown plans to fight back and has threatened to sue Oprah if Karrueche slanders him on TV. Read the report below...
"MTO just got word of an explosive bit of tea. Chris Brown is fighting back against the slander piece that Karrueche and Iyanla planned to air against him in two weeks.
We spoke to a member of Chris Brown's team who told us that yesterday Chris Brown's attorney fired off a cease and desist letter to Oprah Winfrey and her OWN channel. The letter basically says that they can not slander his name, or try and use his name or likeness in their show without his consent.
We're told that Chris spoke to his advisors and realizes that there is a BIG SLANDER CAMPAIGN being lodged against him. Instead of handling the way he USUALLY DOES SO - by BLACKING OUT on Instagram . . . he's going to handle everything PROPERLY and LEGALLY.
We asked whether they thought that Chris CEASE AND DESIST LETTER TO OPRAH was just an empty threat. They told us, "It's not empty at all, we will sue the F*CK outta Oprah, OWN, or whoever, if they slander Chris or use his name."
OOOOH it's about to go DOWN!!
Tuesday, 17 March 2015
Lekki Robbery: Gov. Fashola defends statement, calls out Reuben Abati

"From the statement credited to the Special Adviser to the President on Media and Publicity. Dr. Reuben Abatti over the comments of His Excellency, Governor of Lagos State, Mr. Babatunde Raji Fashola, SAN, on the deployment of police during the visit of the president, it is obvious he is ignorant of the traffic and security menace, his principal constitutes whenever he visits any part of the country. It should also interest the ‘Vuvuzuela’ of President Jonathan that during these visits, which most of the times are for campaign hustles, the entire Police and other security network are put on high alert to pay attention to the presidential visits leaving the citizens vulnerable to the reckless gallivanting of the visitor.Abati must be sleeping or indulging in his usual pastimes not to understand ‘route lining’ where every available policeman on duty is deployed to man routes where the President would pass through. It is not the statement of the Governor that is unintelligent, the unintelligent thing here is the inability of the President to weigh public interest above personal ambition.
The unintelligent thing here is not to know the importance of the Police as an institution that deserves adequate funding to carry out its function of protecting life and property. The unintelligent thing is the Federal Government dodging its constitutional responsibility of which the Police is one of them. Governor Fashola is a very responsible Governor who put the people first ahead of himself, and this he has demonstrated over the years. He made reference to the dead policemen because he feels responsible to them. At the event, he prayed for the repose of their souls and enjoined the audience to stand with him in a one minute-silence over the fallen heroes whom he concluded died in the cause of serving their country.
Abati could not comprehend why Governor Fashola would be shocked at the death of three policemen; we have not had such an experience in the past two years here in Lagos where policemen are killed by armed robbers. This is a different situation where it took the death of almost 20,000 citizens before someone started to take action. When the ocean surge was going to wipe out a whole community within the Lekki area, Fashola was there.
When the Dana aircraft crashed in Iju, Fashola was not only there, his arrival at the scene was prompt, and for the first time in the history of Nigeria, we saw a systematic and methodological approach to emergency management. Mass DNA was conducted to identify the charred bodies of the victims. Trauma and psychological centres were established to attend to the families of the victims. As recent as few days ago, Fashola was at Papa Ashafa and Agege communities where rainstorm wreaked havoc.
When Abati’s principal was holed up in Aso Rock Villa with his tails between his legs during the outbreak of the Ebola Virus in Nigeria, Fashola’s face was the succour and hope Nigerians saw. He was the only person the victims and survivors saw.
So, this vuvuzuela should be courteous in his choice of words. We are, however, not surprised. Abatti is a serial reckless talker that likes listening to himself, and only thinks after talking. Latter converts like him acts up to become more Catholic than the Pope because of the fear to the past after the allure of office. His recent unguarded statement about General Muhammadu Buhari (Rtd) is still very fresh.
If the retired General had not been a statesman, only God knows where Abati would be by now. It's time someone close to this garrulous man tells him to start measuring his utterances.
Lekki Robbery: Gov. Fashola defends statement, calls out Reuben Abati

"From the statement credited to the Special Adviser to the President on Media and Publicity. Dr. Reuben Abatti over the comments of His Excellency, Governor of Lagos State, Mr. Babatunde Raji Fashola, SAN, on the deployment of police during the visit of the president, it is obvious he is ignorant of the traffic and security menace, his principal constitutes whenever he visits any part of the country. It should also interest the ‘Vuvuzuela’ of President Jonathan that during these visits, which most of the times are for campaign hustles, the entire Police and other security network are put on high alert to pay attention to the presidential visits leaving the citizens vulnerable to the reckless gallivanting of the visitor.Abati must be sleeping or indulging in his usual pastimes not to understand ‘route lining’ where every available policeman on duty is deployed to man routes where the President would pass through. It is not the statement of the Governor that is unintelligent, the unintelligent thing here is the inability of the President to weigh public interest above personal ambition.
The unintelligent thing here is not to know the importance of the Police as an institution that deserves adequate funding to carry out its function of protecting life and property. The unintelligent thing is the Federal Government dodging its constitutional responsibility of which the Police is one of them. Governor Fashola is a very responsible Governor who put the people first ahead of himself, and this he has demonstrated over the years. He made reference to the dead policemen because he feels responsible to them. At the event, he prayed for the repose of their souls and enjoined the audience to stand with him in a one minute-silence over the fallen heroes whom he concluded died in the cause of serving their country.
Abati could not comprehend why Governor Fashola would be shocked at the death of three policemen; we have not had such an experience in the past two years here in Lagos where policemen are killed by armed robbers. This is a different situation where it took the death of almost 20,000 citizens before someone started to take action. When the ocean surge was going to wipe out a whole community within the Lekki area, Fashola was there.
When the Dana aircraft crashed in Iju, Fashola was not only there, his arrival at the scene was prompt, and for the first time in the history of Nigeria, we saw a systematic and methodological approach to emergency management. Mass DNA was conducted to identify the charred bodies of the victims. Trauma and psychological centres were established to attend to the families of the victims. As recent as few days ago, Fashola was at Papa Ashafa and Agege communities where rainstorm wreaked havoc.
When Abati’s principal was holed up in Aso Rock Villa with his tails between his legs during the outbreak of the Ebola Virus in Nigeria, Fashola’s face was the succour and hope Nigerians saw. He was the only person the victims and survivors saw.
So, this vuvuzuela should be courteous in his choice of words. We are, however, not surprised. Abatti is a serial reckless talker that likes listening to himself, and only thinks after talking. Latter converts like him acts up to become more Catholic than the Pope because of the fear to the past after the allure of office. His recent unguarded statement about General Muhammadu Buhari (Rtd) is still very fresh.
If the retired General had not been a statesman, only God knows where Abati would be by now. It's time someone close to this garrulous man tells him to start measuring his utterances.
David Mark defends Obanikoro's ministerial confirmation, says due process was followed

The statement reads in part;
"The President of the Senate, Senator David Mark, will not trample on the rules to satisfy the yearnings of any interest, no matter how vociferous and violent. We will like to state without any form of ambiguity that the President of the Senate complied with all the legislative practices and procedures in the confirmation of all the ministerial nominees that appeared before the Senate. It is important to state that the Senate found herself in a situation where two of its traditions were in conflict.
There exists a tradition of permitting nominees that had served as Senators or member of the House of Representatives of the Federal Republic to take a bow and go without being questioned. The Senate also has a tradition of stopping any nominee that fails to secure at least two of the three Senators. Where the Senate was faced with this conflict, the option available to the President of the Senate, as the presiding officer was to put the question to the floor and rule applicably.
The President of the Senate, Senator David Mark, did just that. He put the question through voice vote, and ayes won resoundingly and he so ruled. On the issue of courts, Rules 53 (5) of the Senate Standing Rules did state; ‘if in the opinion of the President of the Senate, the matter will be subjudice.’ Senator Mark made it clear that he has not been served any court order neither has he received any injunction restraining him from processing the confirmation of the ministerial nominees. Besides, it is a known fact that an accused is presumed innocent until proven otherwise by a court of competent jurisdiction. The processes and decisions reached on the screening and confirmation of the ministerial nominees were in line with the rules guiding the activities of the Senate"
Photos: Designer Yomi Casual acquires 2012 Chevrolet Camaro
Sunday, 15 March 2015
"I don't have any budget attached to my office, come and probe me' - Patience Jonathan
First Lady, Dame Patience Jonathan says she is ready to be probed following accusations from some quarters that her office is funded from the federal budget. She said this while speaking at the PDP Women rally in Edo state yesterday March 14th.
"Mrs. Jonathan is the first lady of this country. There is no budget, no constitutional rights. So if fromtomorrow you hear Mrs. Jonathan is corrupt, am I holding your money? Are you giving me any budget ? I don’t have any budget attached to my office. Go and probe my office. Go and probe me and see whether there is any budget attached to my office. Go and probe and see whether there is any money they send to my office. I don’t touch your money. Whatever I have, I struggled for it. I worked for it. I suffered for it,” she said.
Photos: Gov. Fashola commissions the new Ultra modern Oyingbo Market
Photos: Former Fidelity Bank MD, Reginald Ihejiahi's daughter weds
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